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School Services
All levels of players need reliable instruments and the right accessories to play the best they can. Robert M. Sides has a huge selection of band and orchestral instruments from the best manufacturers to ensure you’ll find the right instrument for you. Whether you choose brass, woodwind, percussion or strings, we provide a wide variety of options and solutions to help you start or continue on your musical journey.
As a member of the National Association of School Music Dealers, Robert M. Sides takes great pride in being a "full-service" school music store.

What does full service mean?
- Our team of 6 school service representatives make weekly visits to over 100 school districts in Pennsylvania and New York, bringing our store and repair shop closer to K-12 music programs, teachers and students.
- Our in-house repair shop services everything we sell from piccolos and violins to tubas and string basses with free delivery and pickup to the students & schools we serve.
- Our online rentals and 6 affiliate rental locations make getting started easy no matter where you live in our service area.
- All levels available from beginner/student to intermediate and professional: new and used options are available
- We stock and rent intermediate and professional instruments from open-hole flutes to double french horns
- We stock and rent “harmony” instruments: baritone sax, soprano sax, bass clarinet, alto flute, piccolo, etc.