Bradford Area SD School St. Elem Grade 5 Alto Sax

These items do not need to be purchased separately if the full starter pack is purchased.


Both strength 2 and 2.5 reeds are required for this school. 


*Please note - reeds are not included in the Starter Pack. 


Bradford Area SD School St. Elem Grade 5 Alto Sax

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Accent ASCK833 Alto Sax Care Kit
Regular Price: $19.50
On Sale For: $14.50
In stock
JASR10P Juno Alto Sax Reeds, 10-Pack
Regular Price: $48.00
On Sale For: $26.00
In stock
JASR3P Juno Alto Sax Reeds, 3-Pack
Regular Price: $16.75
On Sale For: $12.00
In stock
Master Theory Book 1
Price: $6.99
In stock
SOE Eb Alto Sax Book 1
Price: $8.50
In stock